Saturday, April 6, 2013

Late-Blogging Priesthood Session

It was fun to go with my youngest and oldest boys in a Stake Center here in southern California. As it is a civilized, progressive place, we noted two things. First, they kept the lights on so I could take notes. Second, and it was my 16-year-old who noticed this, but as President Monson wrapped it up, my son looked around and said, "Nobody's leaving!" Yep. They all waited for the closing song and prayer.

I texted a friend in my ward at home to ask if they had the lights on in our chapel. He texted back that they turned them off for the second hour. He then asked why I was asking about the lights. I tried to explain that it's been a life-long annoyance with me. No idea whether people started leaving early or not at home. Sorry for the digressions. Here we go:

Elder Robert D. Hales, Quorum of the Twelve
Living in the last days - perilous times
Shield of Faith against the fiery darts of the adversary in defense of homes & families

Story about him being on the baseball bus with rough language. His dad who was a commercial artist, drew him a picture of a knight. He learned to be a faithful Priesthood leader by putting on the whole armor of God Ephesians 6:11-17
Today, you don't have to look for temptation, temptation finds you
In Jan. 1982  he spoke at a BYU Fireside. World has gone far afield since then.
What we and our children have to remember is that the Church will remain constant
Be careful not to judge on the basis of where the world is
Truth abideth forever and ever
Begin to live law of consecration by seeking a mission call
Nehemiah rebuilding the Temple "I cannot come down" working on a great work
Stand ye in holy places & be not moved. D&C 87:8. - His doctrine will not change - Paul - behave like man & be strong

Ted R. Callister, President of the Seventy
Priesthood in the boy just as powerful as the Priesthood in the man
Spirituality & leadership - higher growth in mission years - trying to do it earlier in Aaronic Priesthood
Deacons Quorum Pres. trusted with great responsibility
Called by revelation - big expectations - related training
Right to obtain revelation

David L. Beck, General Young Men's President
Young men - do you know what it means to minister?
Story of girl mistreated and bullied in high school. Teenage years are time of loneliness & fear - doesn't have to be - mom asked football player she knew to find out who was bullying - he took it upon himself to take the positive to treat her well - got all his football friends to go along and they became her friends - no one dared mess with her. The mom called them "Angels in disguise"
Priesthood is the authority delegated to man to minister unto the children of God [quoting Pres. Faust - usually it's referred to as act for God.]

We sang "Hope of Israel" - [I will return to this]

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor First Presidency
Identification by titles
Four titles belonging to all Priesthood holders
1) Son of Heavenly Father
literal spiritual children - before we came & forever more - none of us live up to it because all have sinned and come short - adversary wants to define us by our sins - God want us to become more like him one step at a time like a toddler learns - no one criticizes a toddler - Father in Heaven mentors his children and sends unseen heavenly help -
2) Disciples
called to follow him - no one is perfect but we grow - Church built for us not for the perfect - God did not mean for us to be all the same - we're not all from the same mold - God created us all different - purpose of church is to protect the moral agency of each & every one of God's children - We are diverse in social, cultural, & political differences - the Church thrives when we acknowledge this [Yes, he said that].
3) Healer of Souls
called to practice healer's art - charge to lift up and make whole - reach out to those who suffer - Home teachers are healers - Priesthood leaders are healers - in our family roles, healers - oil to bless, bread to feed, love in our hearts to heal - Savior is the worker of miracles - the Great Healer - let us follow Him - serve God & fellow man
4) Heirs of all that Heavenly Father has
if children, then heirs and joint heirs with Christ - pursuit of prestige, wealth, or entertainment is nothing - quotes the oath & covenant of the priesthood, D&C 84:33-44
If you think you're overlooked or unwanted, he is sincerely sorry if any priesthood holder feels this way
God hath chosen foolish things to confound the wise (I Corinthians 1:27)
You are important, you are needed

President Henry B. Eyring, First Counselor
Take message to all the world - called to the work to help Him in the harvest of souls
Go ye out from the wicked. Be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord
Story of boy whose parents died - went back to his country that has only had missionaries for a year - He was prompted to speak to a woman who was a nurse assigned by the Mission President to prepare for the missionaries - orphan was the first baptism when the missionaries came - now there are six - this Easter he was the only member present with the missionaries -
Saw it in New Mexico - 1955 in air force stationed in Albuquerque for training [Kirtland Air Force Base] he was supposed to be there for just a few weeks training - called to be a District Missionary - but his assignment extended to 2 years - he taught the gospel to people the members brought to them - his last Sunday there the Albuquerque Stake was organized.
Saw it in New England - he was counselor to District President was there for first stake organized
There is a new deacon there tonight [story I sort of missed]

President Thomas S. Monson
Come all ye sons of God who have received the priesthood
65,000 plus missionaries in the field and many more with calls and preparing
Go ye and teach all nations . . . with you even until the end of the world.
Missionary work is an identifying feature of the LDS Church
Joseph Smith said greatest duty is to preach the Gospel
Missionary life is a drastic adjustment to the pattern of living
It returns a dividend of joy
Challenge is to be more profitable servants in the Lord's vinyard
1) Search the scriptures with diligence
Scriptures are the Church curricula - Alma 17:2-3 - Alma's joy in sons of Mosiah "waxed strong" much prayer & fasting
2) Plan life with purpose
No generation has faced such far ranging considerations
Spiritual preparation
Personal missionary fund
3) Teach the truth with testimony
obey counsel of Prophets - Apostle Paul [Peter?] - be ready always
Declare witness of Book of Mormon
He was Mission President in Toronto 50 years ago - one missionary country boy - tracting in blizzard - Mr. Pollard invited them in but cut it off - as they left "you can't tell me you believe Joseph Smith was a prophet of God" - they left but missionary told his companion they should go back - with fear in their hearts inexperienced missionary testified to Mr. Pollard who couldn't sleep that night haunted by the testimony - later he was Brother Pollard
4) Serve the Lord with love
D&C 4 "with all your heart, might, mind, and strength" charity & love

Regrettably, there will be no live-blogging from me tomorrow. I have to travel and will not have internet or conference access unless we can pick it up on the radio or stop at some McDonald's

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